Competitive Cash Offers for Prescott Area Homes

Competitive Cash Offers for Prescott Area Homes   

  • Fast
  • Easy
  • ​Dependable



Close in as little as two weeks... 
or take as long as you need.
It's up to you!


There's No...
  • Getting the home ready
  • ​Staging it
  • ​Marketing it
  • ​Showing it
  • ​Finding a buyer
  • ​Hard-nosed negotiating


These are committed buyers... 
not a bunch of flakes who change their minds at the last minute because their kids don’t want them to move… or the aliens told them not to buy.


Our cash offers are often surprisingly good deals.

Watch Your Offers Roll in on Your 

 Custom Dashboard

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As Seen On...

New Market Innovations Put More Money in Your Pocket...

With Less Stress & Fewer Hassles Than You Ever Thought Possible

New Market Innovations Put More Money in Your Pocket...

With Less Stress & Fewer Hassles Than You Ever Thought Possible
Are you trying to sell your home? Or maybe you’re just thinking about it? Maybe you just want to get an idea of what someone would really pay for it.  

Well, we can help you with that. We can bring you multiple offers for your home from qualified buyers with ready cash in hand… faster than you ever thought possible! With no cost and no obligation.

Home Sellers Love Cash Offers. 
They are so easy! Without all the lending hurdles to deal with, the process can proceed very quickly - so, you won’t have to keep your home spotless and show-ready for weeks at a time.

In fact, the buyers we will bring you are professional real estate investors who can see the value of a home that is not perfectly staged. They won’t be turned off by your family photos or a toilet seat cover that was left up…or any of that nonsense. They’ll be ready to close whenever is easiest for you, as fast or as slow as you need.

You don’t even have to put up a for sale sign if you don’t want to.

These Offers Are Solid
The buyers are committed. They’re not a bunch of flakes who might change their minds at the last minute because their kids don’t want them to move… or the election didn’t go their way… or the aliens told them not to buy.

And even if you decide not to accept any of these cash offers, think how secure it will make you feel knowing your home has already sold. Think of how much more confident you’ll be negotiating with buyers with a solid cash offer in hand as a fallback. With multiple cash offers in your pocket, you are no longer powerless. You won’t have to stress out waiting to sell… waiting for the phone to ring.

Offers Are Often Surprisingly Competitive.
Of course, investors buy homes to make money. So, you may think these investors won’t pay you full market value for your home.

Well, if you are able to sell your home on the open market, and you do a good job getting the home ready…and staging it…and marketing it…and showing it…and you find a buyer…and you negotiate a good deal… and it closes, then you will probably make more - but not as much more as you might think.

Since the investors know they will be competing with one another for the opportunity to buy your home, they know they can’t offer anything crazy low. And if you do a good job describing and taking pictures of your home for them, you can make your home more appealing, turn up the heat on them, and get better offers.

Plus…There’s Cash Plus.
If your house could use some updates to make sure you get top dollar, then this program could be just the ticket. Using the Cash Plus option, you get an immediate cash offer based on the as-is value of your home and move on with your life. Then the buyer will make whatever repairs, updates, and renovations are needed and place the home on the market.

So far, nothing new. But here’s where it gets interesting: When the home sells, you’ll receive an extra bonus based on the extra cash value generated by the updates.

So, you’ll pay nothing out of pocket to make the changes; you won’t even be present when all the work is done... but you still get to share in the extra value – making the total amount you receive extremely competitive with what you might get if you did all the work yourself.

The Latest Real Estate Market Innovations
This and several other real estate market innovations are available to you over and above the traditional methods you may be considering. Innovations that can make your selling experience faster, easier, and less stressful, and put more money in your pocket.

If this sounds like something that could make sense for you, then why not get started right now with a simple cash offer? We will set you up with a personalized offer dashboard which will capture all of the offers and options available to you, so you can easily compare them.

As a special bonus, if you act right now, we will give you free and immediate access to Flipping Secrets, our exclusive website where you will find all the special tricks flippers use to get top dollar in the Prescott real estate market - including which upgrades give the best return, staging techniques that create strong emotional appeal, and negotiation strategies that yield the best offers.

Take the first step now and we will pull together everything you need to take the best approach for your specific situation and make the best deal possible for your home – using all the latest market innovations and flipping tricks available to you.

So, let’s get started! Click the bouncing button and kickstart your home selling process into high gear.

Have a question?  Give me a call!

The Prescott Pickle Lady
Diane Breaux, Realtor
(928) 955-8528
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